
Smart Infrastructure and Testing Laboratory (SITL)

Welcome to the Smart Infrastructure and Testing Laboratory, or as called as the SITL Lab. ​Our research interests thus far directly aided in the development of enhanced methods to more effectively identify defects or monitor conditions of important infrastructures, like bridges, nuclear power plants, and rail structures. Given our multidisciplinary background in civil, architectural, and electronic engineering, our primary research area in sustainable urban infrastructure with infrastructure health monitoring (SHM), non-destructive testing (NDT), the structural condition assessment, characterization of construction material, and the imaging and sensing of these structures. Recent trends in the structural condition assessment and SHM are moving beyond traditional analysis and experiments and into the realm of fast and reliable data gathering with high-quality characterization. We recognize that a major bottleneck in structural monitoring development is the gap between science (understanding physical phenomenon) and practical tests, especially as it applies to civil infrastructure.